Some Bridgemead residents went to visit Widcombe Acorns Pre-School on Wednesday 18th October. Dena Moore, the nursery manager says:
“What a wonderful time we had meeting some of your residents yesterday, the children have talked of nothing else, and I have had such lovely e-mails from some of the parents this morning saying that their children told them all about it. Such a great result, I really hope that our visitors enjoyed themselves as much as we did welcoming them.”
Transport ideas?
Pam, Michelle and Dena are trying to arrange a regular activities afternoon where the children come to Bridgemead, rather than taking residents to the Pre-School, but the sticking point at the moment is affordable transport. They are investigating how to achieve this, as Dena says: “I am even more determined to make this work after seeing how happy our new friends looked as they played, it has given me a huge warm glow inside!”
If anyone can help or has any ideas please contact Pam.