CQC carried out this inspection under Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 as part of our regulatory functions. This inspection was planned to check whether the provider is meeting the legal requirements and regulations associated with the Health and Social Care Act 2008, to look at the overall quality of the service, and to provide a rating for the service under the Care Act 2014.The inspection took place on 17th April 2018. This was an unannounced inspection, and was carried out by two inspectors.
Some findings from the report:
“Staff had developed good relationships with people. People told us that staff were kind, caring and polite.”
“People were supported by staff that were caring. One person said, “The staff are so kind and I feel well cared for.” A health professional commented, “Staff are exceptionally caring and seem to have close relationships with the residents.”
“One person said, “The staff are kind. I get on with all them. They are all very polite and you can talk to them.” We observed a member of staff asking a person, “Are you going out today? You look really nice.” The person smiled and looked happy.”
“People spoke positively about the range of activities facilitated by the service and the regular outings available to them. ‘Friends of Bridgemead’ arranged social events and fundraising activities. Coffee mornings were held with the manager and people said they could express their views and opinions.”
“One person said, “The food is excellent, it’s appetising, always well-presented and plenty of choice.” Another person said, “There is more than enough food and it is very nice indeed.”
“The environment added to people’s wellbeing. One person said, “I love sitting here and looking at the river and trees, it is lovely.” People valued being able to move about the service easily. One person commented, “You can wander around as you like. You can then join in if you want to or just stay quiet on your own.”